(click the image to see the before and after
headbangers with these cute flared trousers)
Today in the Senate the "law Sinde", or what is the same, the creation of a commission to use the judges as mere consultants and will be able to close any "service of the Information Society" (ie, no only sites, anything that they planted in front and out of balance with their ideas)
And to rely on the good intentions of someone interpreting a law is dangerous, especially if that someone has a vested interest.
these last few days, well-known authors (and we're not talking about people who can not make the "O" with a spliff, no, we're talking about people who have studies) have returned to bring out the metaphors chorizeras, shrimp, the theft and all these things that give us a lot of anger that many have already passed and that from time to time, we in the media. Da
much pain that people who once seemed to think for themselves, now just listen to what they say from one side and using fallacies to try to make us swallow reality a mess; majors that film, music, books and internet TV does not want them to remove the cake from the traditional distribution , or want to adapt, not want anyone to adapt, because superbonito imagining a world in than a week of theatrical release, to come out the same opening in streaming, at an affordable price (less than movie ticket, of course), consumers would supercontentos ... but they do not. They only thing is that it would have loaded the DVD sales scheme - Bluray.
Indeed, if in 30 years I get to defend a law that 4 garrulos corporate culture commodified closed websites (or whatever you have in 30 years) at will, just give me a good campion paste, please. I deserve it and if it's reasoned and I have Alzheimer's, I will thank you :-)
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