Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Many Pounds To Lose In One Percent Body Fat

192 - Set me, Set me!

click the image to read the strip or
have to use camcorders for braille ...

based on a culetazo [ouch] real .

And by the way, I take that JRMora has written (and drawn) about it to echo. Actually, it makes you nauseous when he understands what this is based society in which we live and what's really important to many people:

José Luis had a mortgage in a bank, Santander. Now it is planted in front of the headquarters of the "Money Store" in Barcelona because the bank intends to take her home , which will auction the next day 9 of this month.
But is that also want to hit him under the shameful "peace" of most media.
is only one person, one family, that "sells" evil.
His story could be to any and José Luis does not make a drama with his physical condition when the count, even so.
has been proposed, nothing more and nothing less than stand up to injustice head on, it costs us so much, that idealistic utopia outdated survivors cheated, now transformed by the power of inertia in silly guilty, divided in 47 million pieces.
are trampled in Egypt people with cars and vans, is what banks do with a lot of families, but as these attacks do not stop blood from the scene repeated a thousand times on the news while or eat dinner.

Their Web battle.


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