Thursday, September 10, 2020

How Long After Waxing Can Infection Occur

Our results first survey


The question we put in our first survey was "What is the best player when was at its highest? , the results were very evenly matched, there were 25 votes in total, but there was no single winner, was a three way tie with six votes among Zinadine Zidane that was what took the lead from the start, a player technical, with presence and character, world champion with his selection and frame a story with Real Madrid.

The other winner was Lionel Messi who is the current best player in the world, although not score a single goal in the world, what he did and continues to afford to Barcelona still have that title.

And Ronaldinho with his magic and joy, became an idol for everyone.

After four votes Cristiano Ronaldo remains , skilled and technical where you look, a different player, but stayed in the middle, preferred to football fame. (BTW was one of the most disappointing in the world).
With a vote unless the Great Roooooonaldo , I had the opportunity to see him play when he was at its highest, but was one of the best players and aimed to be among the largest in the world but injuries and scandals downplayed his performance career as a footballer.

And no votes X * Ricardo Kaka stay, was an emblem in Milan, but never made a big difference.

to me I personally like Ronaldinho that was the one who revived the art football , and gave new luster to joga bonito, but his best seasons were short-lived, for to let you win at night, I think that between them. he was the denuevo imposed a different game style and make a difference.

Outcome of the first survey:

What is the best when it was at its highest level?

Cristiano Ronaldo
6 (24%)
Lionel Messi
6 (24%)
4 (16%)
Ronaldo "El gordo"
3 (12%)
Zinadine Zidane
6 (24%)
Ricardo Kaka

XD Thank you for participating


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