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When elections come (mostly in general terms but also in the regional) , the number of jets per second in radio, television and newspapers increases considerably, if only because our candidates for elected office must be noted somehow. But with the birth (and growth) # nolesvotes the soplapolleces have reached a new level cosmic oligophrenia.
For total misinformation or simple interest in discrediting this initiative the most common diatribe has been to say that # nolesvotes is an initiative that supports abstinence . It's hard to believe that someone with more of a neuron that has read nolesvotes page is drawn this conclusion. However, even without reading it, it's funny how people ignore this "LES" clearly differentiates "# nolesvotes" de "# novotes."
The most embarrassing so far has been that of a young pup of the PSOE in Extremadura, which, not content with identifying # nolesvotes with abstention also been allowed to insinuate that
1) is a political party called " party for democracy "
2) is conducted in the shadow of a man who does not understand his own handwriting, that is, Rajoy
at minute 8, the frenzy begins, at times it seems that being invented on the fly. Either that, or this impromptu speeches not given either. The best part is in reverie about what has # nolesvotes created a party called "Party for Democracy" (because hey, to be a Chilean party, are very optimistic that submitted to the regional elections in Spain, right?)
Among the juicy lad gone to pot, says Sinde law that is merely a minor item in the law of sustainable economy. And then, in a display of psychotropic release that comes up these groups, which encourage not vote, they may be led by a certain person who does not understand the lyrics .
In short: a Chilean party has organized "# nolesvotes" to be submitted to the regional in Spain, but be careful, do not ask for a vote for them, but people do not vote for anyone and have accepted as a leader in shade Mariano Rajoy.
For less than this, there are people who go directly to the plant's mental health referral hospital, where he was given a nice white shirt with straps,
Among the juicy lad gone to pot, says Sinde law that is merely a minor item in the law of sustainable economy. And then, in a display of psychotropic release that comes up these groups, which encourage not vote, they may be led by a certain person who does not understand the lyrics .
In short: a Chilean party has organized "# nolesvotes" to be submitted to the regional in Spain, but be careful, do not ask for a vote for them, but people do not vote for anyone and have accepted as a leader in shade Mariano Rajoy.
For less than this, there are people who go directly to the plant's mental health referral hospital, where he was given a nice white shirt with straps,
hear :-) I would think that this person is attempting a blatant manipulation or simply to curry favor with a senior member of the party to be able to say that "what about mine?" when the time comes ... because the alternative grammatical illiteracy coupled with inventing hoaxes on initiatives that have not read one sentence about your background and intentions is too sad. We complain about those who are in power ... but it seems some members of younger generations of the major parties outweigh their demagoguery and / or stupidity. I do not know which is worse .
Of course, there are other objections (With answers) , most related to such absurdities as "this had been done before," , as now it was not useful, or "not going to get anything" , as if it were more useful to stay idly or the classic "much to criticize but do not provide solutions or alternatives" , which becomes translated "to me unless you tell me who to vote for an alternative, not enough for me, I have no time think for myself ", in short, stay in the story, in Conspiranoia about hidden interests or in the curious paradigm difficult things should be obtained immediately. But # nolesvotes self-awareness is the ability of citizens to decide and act, not change the results of the polls in 2 days, 2 months or 2 years.
In summary, exercise your right to vote wisely, in # nolesvotes presents the reasons for not voting PP, PSOE and CiU, and not just by law Sinde, these three parties have agreed things as bad as all these .
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