Justin Bieber arrived in Barcelona on 6 April for a concert at the Palau Sant Jordi. If you have already purchased your ticket, now you can also meet you in person. The Bieber fever has just begun! ... We ask
send us pictures of your hair to participacion@lavanguardia.es . It is not necessarily the same hairstyle for Justin, while it is one that we consider it original. In the e-mail you must indicate your ID and a contact telephone . If you are a minor, your parent or legal guardian must send the photo, along with your ID and telephone.
The two original hairstyles will win a special pass meet & greet to meet Justin Bieber in person at their concert at the Palau Sant Jordi. You
until April 4 at 12 pm to participate. Be the first time that Justin is acting in our country and you can not miss it.
is an international phenomenon
Here Twitter Justin Bieber, click and become a follower. Here
Facebook Justin Bieber, do not let him escape.
SOURCE: Want to meet in person Justin Bieber?