Electricity Distribution Company North (EDENORTE ) denied that the politically motivated fact that he is claiming that the bachata Luis Vargas paid a debt that is delinquent with this institution, which he has not honored in September last year.
Speaking through his public relations manager, Atahualpa Ramirez, the electric company came out yesterday against testimony offered on the eve of the famous popular singer and composer, who claimed that, after declaring his sympathy for Miguel Vargas Maldonado, presidential candidate of the PRD, the bills for their properties have increased significantly. Ramírez said that in January 2007, not including financing costs, Vargas EDENORTE owed almost 485 thousand dollars, an amount that was reduced by the Superintendency of Electricity to 91 thousand pesos in November. "Despite the steps made by company executives Luis Vargas to at least reach a repayment agreement to repay the debt, always refused that solution, and the 28 September made the last payment, the sum of 430 pesos, "he said. According to data provided by the Public Relations Manager EDENORTE, lack of payment and made heavy use, this February, the debt has risen to 338 000, 671 pesos and that in the last two years, has just paid six thousand dollars.
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